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Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company
Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling | The Jonsteen Company

Chinese Elm | Medium Tree Seedling

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Ulmus parvifolia

  • A prime shade and street tree, tough enough to thrive in almost any urban situation  
  • 100% guaranteed
  • Seed-grown on California's Redwood Coast
  • Transplanting and care instructions included

Water Needs | The Jonsteen Company
Cold Hardiness | The Jonsteen Company Cold Hardiness
Light Needs | The Jonsteen Company Light
Full Sun / Partial Shade
Size | The Jonsteen Company Size
40 – 60' tall / 40 – 60' spread
Age | The Jonsteen Company Lifespan
 150 yrs
Growth Rate | The Jonsteen Company Growth Rate
Fast Growing
Drought Tolerance | The Jonsteen Company Drought Tolerance
Windfirm | The Jonsteen Company Wind Resistance

About Chinese Elm

From the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service:

"Most of the elms make great shade and avenue trees, and Chinese elm is one of the best. This is a good replacement for American elm which is apparently going extinct due to Dutch elm disease. Foliage in autumn often turns shades of red and purple. With its multi-colored exfoliating bark, Chinese elm is especially attractive in winter. There are some small cultivars that are used for bonsai. It is hardy enough to use in harsh planting situations such like parking lots, and in small planters along streets and in plazas or patios.

Fairly resistant to maritime exposure, it can be grown in a shelter belt. Chinese elm is a tough tree, tolerant of urban air and soils, and resistant to Dutch elm disease. Fast growing and adaptable, this is a good choice when you want a shade tree for a small landscape. Additionally, hybridization between the Chinese and American elms has led to cultivars that are resistant to the disease, but they do not have the characteristic shape of the American elms."

About Jonsteen's Seedlings

All of our trees are seed-grown at our nursery on California's Redwood Coast, which is inspected monthly and licensed by the California Department of Agriculture. Trees can provide a natural barrier against high winds, temperatures, noise pollution and soil erosion, all while benefiting local air quality, wildlife and property values — a Jonsteen seedling will only grow in value and beauty.

About Jonsteen's 100% Guarantee

All of our trees are guaranteed to arrive healthy and in good condition. If your tree perishes despite your honest efforts, we will be happy to replace it with a small-sized seedling for just the cost of shipping/handling. You can learn more about our guarantee and tree replacement policy here.

Seedling Size Chart: Medium

Due to the dynamic nature of actively growing trees, as well as the tremendous variation between species’ growth rates, we rely on the cubic volume of a seedling’s root mass to determine its “size” (Small / Medium / Large / XL). Within each size there is minor variance — the dimensions provided here represent the category minimum. If exact measurements are essential, please contact us about current stock.

Seedling Size Chart | Medium | The Jonsteen Company