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Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company

Shasta Daisy | Flower Seed Grow Kit

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Leucanthemum x superbum

  • Grow your own Shasta Daisy from seed!
  • Each kit includes enough seed to plant an area of 500 square feet
  • 100% guaranteed
  • Great for kids and adults, amateurs to experts

About This Kit

The seeds of Shasta Daisies are small, but mighty! There is enough seed in this grow kit to cover an area of roughly 500 square feet with an explosion of beautiful blooms (that’s an area larger than 20 feet long by 20 feet wide). There are approximately 1,600 individual seeds here, and most will germinate if the conditions are right. Each successful seed will produce a tidy clump of dark green foliage approximately a foot across with bright flowers shooting skyward on sturdy stems 2 – 3 feet tall.

There is no need to plant all your daisies in one plot unless you want an impressive field of pure flowers. You can also orchestrate clumps of these beauties here and there by planting accents strategically around your yard or property. Or, put them into pots, planter boxes, or other containers for a burst of brightness on your patio, porch, or front steps. Choose where you plant carefully, because, if the Shasta Daisies are happy where you are, they may re-seed themselves year after year and could be with you for more than the original plant’s 3 – 5 year lifespan.

Getting to Know the Shasta Daisy!

Combining the beauty and durability of four flower species from Europe and Asia, Leucanthemum x superbum, commonly known as the Shasta Daisy, is a hybrid of Oxeye Daisy, English Field Daisy, Portuguese Field Daisy, and Japanese Field Daisy.

Shasta Daisy’s winning mash-up of beautiful traits was developed in the late 1800’s by renowned California botanist, Luther Burbank, the same man who gave us Russet potatoes, white nectarines, and more than 800 other strains and varieties of flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

With its glistening profusion of white petals fanning out around a golden central floret (itself composed of hundreds of tiny yellow disk flowers), this artful new creation was christened “Shasta” Daisy, named after the glacier and snow-capped peaks of Mount Shasta in northern California.

Shasta Daisies are a classic choice for “cottage gardening,” an informal landscaping style, highlighted by colorful masses of flowers which require little maintenance. Though Shasta Daisies are not particularly long-lived (3 – 5 years), they are generous and powerful bloomers and easy-to-cultivate. This virtually carefree flower is a highly cold-hardy perennial, bringing back its bright and cheerful blooms year after year, even in locations with sub-freezing winters. It is also one of the very few perennials that blooms right off the bat in its first season. In some regions, Shasta Daisies naturally reseed new plants, and thus can remain in the landscape for the longterm — much beyond their five year “lifespan” — with new Daisies migrating somewhat from the spot where the mother plant was originally located.

Shasta Daisies tend to grow in pleasingly tidy mounds, with much of the plant’s foliage remaining low to the ground as the flowers shoot skyward on 2 – 3 foot stems. Glossy, dark green leaves stairstep along the stems and offer a beautiful contrast to the glacial white of the ray florets. From a distance, a clump of Shasta Daisies in the landscape offers an energetic flash of white and yellow — like a miniature firework going off at waist-height!

Daisies are one of the April “birth flowers,” and are said to symbolize innocence and hope. In addition to looking great in the landscape, they make gorgeous, long-lasting cut flowers for bouquets.

Just when your yard, garden, and life needs an injection of brightness and light, along comes this happy and hardy, bright and beautiful, friendly and familiar flower — The Shasta Daisy!

About Jonsteen's Flower Kits

Our 100% guaranteed, eminently gift-able flower seed grow kits feature packaging as charming as the flowers they grow, and contain enough high quality seed for large, spectacular patches.